The White Garden

Christine E Forth

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Book Description:

Set party in modern-day Edmonton, and partly in wartime Britain, the book tells the story of three generations of women, Alice, her mother Rosemary, and her granddaughter Samantha.
Alice loved the peaceful sanctuary of her White Garden in Winchester, England. From there she could pretend that her two dashing Canadian soldiers heading off to cross the English Channel in 1944 would certainly return. But not even those who come back alive are unscathed by war.
Married, and as a young war bride swept off to Edmonton, Alberta, Alice bears a daughter, Rosemary. Years pass, and Alice has a grandchild, Samantha, who becomes an international journalist.
After eight years of traversing the world, Samantha returns to Edmonton to unravel her grandmother's story. Alice is aging, sometimes confused, yet still vivacious, and her wavering narrative reveals a tale of family estrangement, secrets, and madness. When the story is told, the White Garden awaits.

Public launch of my book took place at the Windsor Park Community League on October 1, 2023. Three books were launched; in addition to The White Garden, an anthology of short stories written by members of the University of Alberta Women's Club Creative Writing Group (titled Ten Years Later), and a novel by another member of the group, Norma Gutteridge (War and Time).
The launch was very successful, with attendance of around one hundred friends, family, community members, and other interested individuals.

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