Monday, November 9, 2020 at 6:30 MDT (30 minutes before the live broadcast of the Scotiabank Giller Prize Awards begins)
The Writers’ Guild of Alberta, Freehand Books and Shelf Life Books are long standing promoters of the literacy education that Frontier College delivers across the province to inner city schools, public housing sites, community centres, women’s shelters and indigenous reading camps. Representing Alberta on the national Giller Light Bash planning committee is author Samantha Warwick with managing editor at Freehand Books, Kelsey Attard.
While the Giller Light Bash online event is scheduled for Monday, November 9, each day running November 2 through 6, a passionate reader from a different province will champion one of the shortlisted Giller titles. Representing Alberta in this lineup is our WGA past president and local book reviewer, Anne Logan (ivereadthis.com).
Anne will defend Ridgerunner by Gil Adamson on Monday, November 2nd via the Frontier College YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/frontiercollege. Please find defender bios and watch for defender schedule updates at gillerlightbash.ca.
Our sincere thanks to the following local businesses and organizations for their generous donations to the virtual silent auction: Shelf Life Books, The Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society, Wild Rose Brewery, Kricket’s Gift Shop, Highlander Wine & Spirits and Fleur de Sel Brasserie. Many more donations have been received nationally and will be showcased at the event.
For full details about what the 2020 Bash will offer, including event host bio for Alayna Fender, game plans, contests, prizes, and silent auction details, please visit: gillerlightbash.ca and follow the centralized GLB handle @GillerLightBash on IG and @GillerLight on Twitter. Enormous thanks to everyone who has joined us in the past, and to all who plan to join us virtually this year in honour and support of everyone’s right to read.