Single Onion #180


IMPORTANT: You will need to register for the event.

WHAT: The Single Onion kicks off the new year with four excellent poets: Weyman Chan, Josephine LoRe, Tim Murphy, and Sabrina Samuel.

WHEN: Thursday, January 20, 7:00 pm (MDT)

WHERE: register here: 

About the readers:

Finalist for the 2008 Governor General’s Award for his second book of poetry, Noise From the Laundry, Weyman Chan divides his time between writing, family, electron micrographs, and nonsequitor fluxes in spacetime, brought on by insomnia… Skittles! As poetry editor of Calgary’s experimental literary magazine, fillingStation, he’s convinced that alien intelligence has already nested in every branch of our language tree. His fifth poetry book, Human Tissue—a primer for Not Knowing, examines rage and the quest for origin. His chapbook, Isobars, was published in 2017 as a part of the Loft-on-Eighth Press series, “Inner City Stories.”

Josephine LoRe’swords have been read on stage and global zoom-rooms, put to music, danced, integrated into art, and published in ten countries and four languages including FreeFall, Vallum, Tiny Seed and Fixed and Free in the US, Il Piccolo Museo della Poesia in Italy, Constellate in England, and The Same Page Anthology in Ireland. She has two collections, Unity and the Calgary Herald Bestseller The Cowichan Series, and she is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta and several online reading communities. She has taught poetry workshops through the Alexandra Writers’ Center Society, When Words Collide and the inaugural Wine Country Writers’ Festival.  Poetry has been Josephine’s covid antidote.   

Tim Murphy is the current Poet Laureate of Canmore, Alberta and Chief Mentor for He grew up in North Carolina, graduated from Eckerd College, in St. Petersburg, Florida and  immigrated to Canada in 1977 where he worked as a journalist and poetry editor at Axiom Magazine in Halifax, then went into construction after his first child was born in 1978.  Tim is a master carpenter and has been building homes for 40 years. He moved to Alberta in 1992 with his second wife, Wanda Ellerbeck. Tim publishes under the name T.L. Murphy since there are, like, a million Tim Murphys in New York city alone. He has published poetry and short fiction in Axiom Magazine, Grain,, The Antigonish Review, Eckerd Review, Freefall Magazine, BlueSky Poetry Magazine, Light Journal of Poetry and Photography, Spillwords Press,, as well as several anthologies.  His poetry has been translated into Greek, Dutch and Chinese.  He is author of one chapbook “Up Cape Fear” with another chapbook currently in production titled “The Book of Jake”. More of Tim’s poetry can be found at

Sabrina Samuel, aka Aunty Sabby (she/her) resides on Treaty 6 & 7 in Red Deer and immigrated to the village of Consort, Alberta, forty years ago from Pakistan. She reunited with The Drunken Poets Society through the pandemic, and found her voice in anthologies like YYC Pop, Pandemic Poems, In Other Worlds and most recently the Wordsfest Quaranzine. Her first poetry chapbook, She Was, launched in support of the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Centre, and her Soroptomist club organized a reading in support of the Period Promise for gender equity. Sabrina launched an online mental health community, Surrender Living ( and was selected by the Writer’s Union of Canada for BIPOC Writers Connect to provide mentorship for her first memoir.

The Single Onion takes place the third Thursday of the month, nine times a year. Our event schedule can always be found at

For the most up-to-date Single Onion news, check us out on Twitter at:

We gratefully acknowledge the support of The Canada Council for the Arts, The League of Canadian Poets, the Calgary Arts Development, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, and the Writers’ Union of Canada.

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Mark Sixma