Self-Publishing Webinar (Online)

Self-Publishing Webinar with Dana Goldstein (Recorded)

This webinar originally aired on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023.
$10 for members; $15 for non-members 

What you’ll learn: the ins and outs of self versus traditional publishing, the pros and cons of self-publishing, the hurdles and benefits of going the independent route, and what you need to know to publish your book. 


Dana started writing down her stories at the age of nine, using school composition books, letters to pen pals and school newspapers to tell stories. She eventually moved into a career as a journalist, writing feature stories for magazines and newspapers across North America. So far, she has self-published three books: The Girl in the Gold Bikini, Murder on my Mind, and Spent. Shift, the first book in her middle grade series is slated for publication in 2023 by Young Dragon’s Press. She also sends out a weekly newsletter via Substack and hosts a podcast, What Were You Thinking?, where she interviews authors.  

Webinar Registration - Self-Publishing Webinar with Dana Goldstein

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Mark Sixma