WGA 2020 Annual General Meeting

Thursday, September 17, 2020
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Online

The AGM is free and open to all WGA members in good standing. 

This year’s AGM will be help online, in accordance with current Alberta Health Regulations restricting in-person events. If you are a member and wish to attend the AGM, please RSVP by Friday, September 11.

The AGM agenda, draft minutes of the 2019 AGM, and a list of board incumbents and nominees are available to download here for advance viewing. The Annual Report and financial statements will be available for viewing on our website the week before the AGM.

In the event you are not able to attend the AGM, you may assign your vote to a proxy, another member who may vote on your behalf. Proxy assignments must be submitted to the WGA in writing using this form. Verbal proxy assignments are not valid.

Board nominations and seconding motions may be put forth at the AGM by WGA members who are in good standing with the consent of the nominee

Details on how to attend the online AGM and a link to our Annual Report will be sent to those who have RSVPed beginning September 3.

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