Qualities of a Writer. Patrick Nguyen and Halli Lilburn.

Writers are passionate for their art form. It is a way to connect with the rest of the world. Each writer perceives the world in their own unique way. Their art sheds light onto new perspectives and new beauties of the world. It gives meaning to both themselves and to their readers. I got to know a writer of these qualities in my interview with Halli Lilburn.

 I would describe Lilburn as a truly passionate writer.  She is a published writer, artist, teacher and a mother. Along with some works in poetry, Lilburn has published a novel called Shifters. But the thing that I find the most intriguing about Lilburn is her relatability. Just like everyone else, Lilburn is human. As a human, we go through a vast range of experiences in our lifetime. Often, we let these negative experiences hold us back, letting ourselves become vulnerable. It is not until we recognize and learn from our mistakes that we are able to move forward and become better individuals. I observed this growth in Lilburn through my conversation with her.

  1. What motivated you to pursue a career in writing?

“I write all the time.  It was cathartic as a child, a method of escape, a desperate cry for attention, an avenue of self-discovery and simply because it made me happy. I didn’t pursue it soon enough. I tried other things first and when none of them worked I went back to what I wanted all along.”

  1. Along the way towards your goals, did you face any hardships and how did you deal with them?

“Even though it is obvious now, in high school I didn’t see writing as a viable career path and that wrong decision cost me.  I floundered through many programs including fashion design, music, art and library sciences.  Then I became a mom and everything was put on hold.  The minute my kids went into public school and I had 6 hours a day to myself I dove into my first novel. I finally had the confidence I could do it.  Self doubt postponed my true career for years and I was blind to my true desires.”

  1. What are some things in your life that you think have shaped you and your writing? Why do you think they made you the person you are today?

“Love lost is always a big one.  Everyone goes through it and they need to know they can survive.  Having some bad break-ups under my belt helped with that. Depression is another big influence.  A writer has to spend time thinking about death. The third is having vivid dreams and believing in the supernatural.”

What does it take to be a writer? Looking back at my conversation with Lilburn, I determined 2 main qualities needed to be a writer. One of them is confidence. They need confidence to believe in themselves so that they aren’t held back from criticisms of others. If it wasn’t for courage, Lilburn would have never become a writer. Another quality is passion, writing must have a real meaning. It cannot be a way to wealth or fame, rather it needs to be viewed as a method of communication. Passionate writing contains deeper meanings that inform or inspire readers. Without these qualities, writing loses its colour and structure.  Messages become bland and meaningless. People should appreciate and aspire to be like Lilburn. One should be confident and passionate in their own goals. These individuals choose work that gives purpose. We should follow their lead and choose a more fulfilling way of life.



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