WGA April Sociable in Edmonton
It’s no hoax! The Writers’ Guild of Alberta (WGA) presents the second Sociable in conjunction with The Rasp and the Wine: The first of April—a
WGA Sociable
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 7:00 pm The Kasbar 10444 – 82 Avenue (Downstairs at Yannis) Free/WGA members, $5/non-members Snacks provided, please purchase your own drink
3 Big Mistakes That Stop You from Achieving Your Goals
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:30 – 9:00 pm Whitemud Crossing Library Theatre 4211 – 106 Street Free/WGA Members, $5 Non-members Please RSVP to mail@writersguild.ca. The
New Home, New Design
Welcome to the new Writers’ Guild of Alberta’s website! Chemistry Communications built us this lovely new design and new features. We are grateful to the
Words in 3D 2015: Intersections
Writers’ Guild of Alberta Conference 2015 “Intersections“ Registrations Now Open! May 22-24, 2015 Chateau Lacombe Hotel, 10111 Bellamy Hill Road Edmonton, AB Regular Registration Deadline: May
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Saturday, May 23, 2015 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Chateau Lacombe Hotel 10111 Bellamy Hill Road Edmonton, Alberta The AGM is free and open to
2015 Banff Retreat
JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 8, 2015, THE BANFF CENTRE The annual WGA Banff Retreat will be open for registration June 12, 2014. This self-guided retreat is a