LitFest Presents: The Polyglot Magazine Issue Launch

Sat, October 15, 2022, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM MDT
Stanley A. Milner Edmonton Public Library 
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Muttart Theatre 

Named Alberta’s Best New Magazine in 2021, The Polyglot has proudly published 188 writers and artists working in 51 Indigenous and Heritage languages in the last five years!

Join us as we launch and celebrate our tenth issue with readings by brilliant bilingual writers Mila Bongco-Philipzig, Meghan Eaker, Diana Gaviria, Candice Joy Oliva, and Gian Marco Visconti, who were participants in the WGA’s Horizons Writers Circle. This event is hosted by The Polyglot’s founding editor Adriana Oniță and Luciana Erregue-Sacchi, the editor of issue 10 and coordinator of Horizons Writers Circle.

LitFest is a mask-friendly environment. Patrons are enthusiastically supported in their choice to wear a mask. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please follow AHS guidelines regarding testing and isolating, and stay home if you are sick.

Current guidelines can be found here. The AHS self assessment tool can be found here.

Please note that for the health and safety of our community and staff, LitFest will follow City of Edmonton bylaws and Government of Alberta COVID-19 requirements for all in-person events. Should there be any necessary updates to our protocols closer to the festival, LitFest patrons will be notified via email.

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