Final Digital Strategies Meeting: Invitation to Join Live Chats August 25 – 26

Final Digital Strategies Meeting: Invitation to Join Live Chats August 25 – 26

Our regional representatives recently held their meetings and gathered feedback on what initiatives the WGA can take to help writers in the digital age, and we are now going into our final consultation. This weekend, Dr. Patrick Finn, Owen Brierley, and Giorgia Severini (WGA staff) will be meeting to go through the feedback received from the regional meetings and put together the strategy for the WGA to go forward with helping writers in the digital age.

We will be opening certain points of the meeting this weekend to member participation. Here’s what you need to know to participate:

  1. The documents of feedback collected from the regional meetings are available for members to view on this Google Drive. The link should allow you to view the documents even if you don’t have a Google account. Members are encouraged to review the feedback prior to the weekend.
  1. The first day will be for compilation and analysis of the feedback. Notes will be available as they are made on the drive. Members are invited to join us via GoTo Meeting on Saturday, August 25, 4:00 – 5:00 pm to give feedback or ask questions. You may join this meeting with your computer, smartphone, or tablet via this link: You may also join by phone instead by calling +1 (647) 497-9391 and using this access code: 311-824-509 
  1. The second day will be for creating outcomes documents, which will be the basis for programs and initiatives that the WGA will move forward with. Members are invited to join us for a live chat about the outcomes via GoTo Meeting on Sunday, August 26, 2:00 – 3:30 pm. You may join this meeting with your computer, smartphone, or tablet via this link: You may also join by phone instead +1 (647) 497-9391 using this access code: 883-548-645 

Depending on your schedule and interest, you may join either or both of the live chats, for as long as you like.

If you are new to the WGA and need more background on our Digital Strategies initiative, information is available here.

It is strongly recommended that you do a system check prior to joining the live chat, to ensure that GoTo Meeting will run smoothly on your device. Follow this link to do a system check :

We hope you can join us!

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