March 17 – 19, Online
Cost: $140
Drink the Wild Air is a Creative Writing Retreat for Youth ages 11 – 19. Typically nestled in the gateway to the rocky mountains in Kananaskis country, this year we’ll come together online to take workshops with working professionals, play games, share our stories, our songs, our poems and our art. Join us on March 17th for orientation, and on March 18th and 19th for a weekend of creative razzmatazz, hijinks, capers, and general hullabaloo.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel: | You will receive: |
On or before Feb. 28, 2023 | 100% of the registration fees refunded |
March 1 – March 11, 2023 | 50% of the registration fees refunded |
After March 11, 2023 | No refund |
The 2023 Team
COLIN MATTY (Camp Director) has been with the Writer’s Guild of Alberta since 2012, becoming the Director of Drink the Wild Air and WordsWorth in 2015. He is the author of three plays, two sketch comedies, and thousands of poems. Colin has tread the boards of festivals and competitions from Victoria to Montreal and is an accomplished creator, performer and educator in the fields of theatre, poetry, and improvisation. His work has a strong focus on playful discovery and aims to foster the joy that comes with engaging the creative powers that lie latent within us all.
SADIE MACGILLVRAY loves being outside and soaking in all of the sounds and sights that nature has to offer. They use that time to come up with new project ideas, sneakily photograph fauna and flora that catches their eye, and work on existing projects. The current project Sadie is most excited about is writing, re-writing, and editing together poems from their WordsWorth camper days and recent pieces into a response/reflection focussed chapbook.
Sadie has decided that even though there technically isn’t enough time in each day to do everything they want to do, they are going to try to continue learning interesting facts, watching anime, playing as many Legend of Zelda games they can get their hands on, and teaching their cat to play fetch.
Stay awesome and weird <3
MARIN PERLETTE’S art practice is multifaceted and a little dubious at times, but when pressed for an answer to the question “what do you do” they usually manage to boil it down to “I make cartoons.” Since graduating from AUArts, Marin has spent most of their time freelancing as an illustrator and designer and developing personal projects. When they’re not working on storyboards or character designs, Marin does their best to keep their other hobbies alive by writing, making music, and brewing increasingly complicated cups of coffee.
Our Thanks!