Drink the Wild Air


“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”

The Drink the Wild Air winter/spring youth writing retreat is a great time to reconnect with the WordsWorth community, make new friends, tell and create stories, and, most importantly, write! Time will be spent outdoors so we can burn extra energy and drink in that wild air!

Can’t wait for Drink the Wild Air or are looking for a longer program? Check out Circuit Tree: Rebooted and WordsWorth!

Drink the Wild Air 2025


Date: March 14-16th, 2025

Location: Camp Kannawin, near Sylvan Lake

Price: $230

While we wait within our homes
And wintry winds blow through slumbering groves
There is a place both fresh and rare
A place called Drink the Wild Air
Where friends can come and share their words
And minds and hearts, their voices heard
Happy to be back in-person
We’ll have a blast, that much is certain!
DTWA 2025 QR square

Drink the Wild Air is a Creative Writing Retreat for Youth ages 11 – 19. This year we will come together at Camp Kannawin to take workshops with working professionals, play games, share our stories, our songs, our poems, and our art. Join us on March 14th for orientation, and on March 15th and 16th for a weekend of creative razzmatazz, hijinks, capers, and general hullabaloo!

Registration for Drink the Wild Air is now closed. If you have questions about the program, please email Sadie at [email protected]


About Drink the Wild Air

Because we can’t offer WordsWorth all year long, there’s Drink the Wild Air.
Drink the Wild Air is a whirlwind weekend of creativity unleashed. From walks through the snow-covered forest and fireside readings in cozy cabins to inspiring sessions from professional writers, Drink the Wild Air offers an experience like no other to a community of budding creatives that is sure to be a breath of fresh air as winter draws to a close. Join us on our adventure, and see why a taste of wild air keeps people coming back for more!

But, don’t just take our word for it on how amazing the camps are. Here are some comments from past participants:

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel:You will receive:
On or before Feb. 28, 2025100% of the registration fees refunded
March 1 – March 7, 202550% of the registration fees refunded
After March 7, 2025No refund


You can download our Youth Programming FAQ here. 

The 2025 Team

Sadie MacGillivray

Youth Outreach Coordinator

David Wilson



Miranda Krogstad



Marin Perlette


Our Youth Program Sponsors:

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