CSL Project: Berhanu Woldmariam interviews Leanne Myggland-Carter

Writing is considered an artistic field, meaning it is subjective to every new individual is exposed to. The audience may have various interpretations of the same piece of writing; to each their own opinion. Some may praise the work while others may criticize the same piece. Authors should utilize the opinion of the audience to progressively refine their craft rather than be complacent with their work. The talented Leanne Myggland-Carter’s passion for writing has evolved into an adventure through the artistic field of writing.


Leanne Myggland-Carter is an Oxford University Scholar in Literature, published author and poet, and Writing and Wellness Instructor. A successful author of poetry, creative non-fiction, and children literature she has excelled while balancing a full schedule. She has continued her education of writing at the University of Alberta whilst having a full-time job and becoming a mother.


1) How did your literary experiences at the University of Alberta and Oxford University vary? In what ways did these different experiences influence the author/poet you are today?

My literary experiences at the University of Alberta and Oxford varied in that one was of introduction and exploration and the other of affirmation and dedication, respectively. I began my studies at U of A in the Department of Education in 1991 during this time I was able to dabble then discern where my passions lie and decide what I wanted to pursue. At Oxford, I was in pursuit of expertise, not general knowledge. And I acquired it. My time at U of A influenced me as an author and poet by introducing me to the history and evolution of English Literature. My time at Oxford, however, influenced me by affirming that I was not only qualified but deserved to pursue a career (and lifetime) in the literary arts with a confidence in my creative abilities and writing skills. 


2) Having received an education in literature for nearly twenty years how does continually learning help you refine your art rather than remove the creativeness from your writing?

Continually learning has kept me present, humble, and grounded. Through respectfully learning and ethically borrowing from others I have become a better writer.


As far as removing creativeness from my writing, I believe that would begin to happen the moment I stopped studying literature; I trust my intuition and do not question my mind. “In order to be a very good writer you must read voraciously” (Stephen King).


3)You live a multi-faceted life as not only serving as an editor,  and formal instructor of writing, but also maintaining a full-time job as a market development manager. How do you find the balance in your schedule to produce literature?

The most significant barrier to my writing and production of literature is my full-time job as a Marketing and Fund Development Manager at the Spruce Grove Public Library and my full-time job as a wife and mother of three children. Carving out time to write is not easy but it is essential. I attend and teach courses, workshops, and retreats as often as I can so that I am committed to certain dates and times that will be devoted to writing. This regular creative rejuvenation is essential.



What sets Leanne Myggland-Carter apart from many casual writers and even some professional writers is her pure passion for writing. For Myggland-Carter writing is an “essential” part of her life as she deems it; writing provides a medium in which she can express her creative ideas and thoughts. Furthermore, this passion for writing has driven Myggland-Carter to learn and improve her writing over many years. She continues learning throughout her journey as both an author and poet. It is evident that her passion for the art itself has kept her focused and centered on the “the pursuit of excellence.” Not the excellence of the art as a whole but of her own writing continuously striving to reach her full potential.

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