The WGA wishes to offer our congratulations to the Amber Webb-Bowerman Memorial Foundation on hosting another successful Sugar Bowl fundraiser!
The WGA was proud to sponsor a team at this year’s Sugar Bowl from our amazing WordsWorth crew:

Left to right – Marc Lynch, Michaela Stephen, Marin Perlette & Sadie MacGillivray.
Photo Credit: Keane Straub
Congratulations to this year’s winning team Little Lebowski, with members Marcello Di Cintio, Paul Haavardsrud, Jason Markusoff and James May!
Pictured below are this year’s Sugar Bowl participants! The WGA received an update of the day’s highlights, provided below by Colleen Seto of the Amber Webb-Bowerman Memorial Foundation.

(Photo courtesy of the Amber Webb-Bowerman Foundation; Photographer: Keane Straub)
“Sugar Bowl 2019 was a fantastic success; we could not have asked for a more beautiful sunny day! We raised more than $8000 to continue to support emerging writers.
“This would not have been possible without the generous support of our longtime sponsors–SAITSA, Rotary Park Lawn Bowls, Tinhorn Creek Vineyards, and Village Brewery.
“Huge shout-out also goes to our amazing volunteers including emcee Ken Lima-Coehlo, DJ Scootz, bartender Ian, ticket seller Gillian, coaches Mary, Lyle, Terry, Sarah and Gary, not to mention our wonderful auction and prize donors. Photos of the amazing event will be online soon. Stay tuned. Big thanks to Keane for capturing the moments and to Tyler for continuing to handle our website.
“Congrats to Little Lebowski Urban Achievers for winning the tourney and Tutu Hot Tutu Handle for winning best team costume.
“And of course, a giant thank-you to all of you for your continued support and participation. We couldn’t do this if you didn’t keep showing up and showing your love.
“Finally, props to my amazing foundation board (past and present) for continuing to put this gig together. #onelove”
Colleen Seto
Follow the Amber Webb-Bowerman Foundation on Twitter at: @amberfdn