The 2019/20 board of the WGA will be elected at the AGM on Sunday, June 9, 2019 in Edmonton There will be at least 6 (six) openings on the board: President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member(s) at Large.

There can be no more than three members on the board who reside in the same centre. Currently, Edmonton has three Edmonton members, two will remain on the board to complete the second year of their elected term; the third member will be running again to be a member-at-large.

Written nominations for the Board of Directors may be made in advance of the AGM, signed by the candidate and two members of the WGA who are in good standing (hard copy or by email) and sent to [email protected] or 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton T5M 3K6 by April 29.

Additionally, nominations and seconding motions may be put forth at the AGM by WGA members who are in good standing with the consent of the nominee. 

Advance nominations will be included in the AGM materials if received by April 29, and are to include a brief bio and election statement. (maximum 150 words each)

A brochure outlining the work of the board can be found HERE. If you are interested in discussing the positions available, please contact Carol Parchewsky at [email protected]

Please consider this exciting opportunity to become more involved with the WGA!

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