Call for Submissions: Pandemic Postcards

WGA invites you to share what inspires your writing during this pandemic, and what you might write on a postcard from home. Who are you missing? Write them a greeting from your self-isolation stay-cation, or just share a short short story with them. What are you doing to keep amused? Do you have a funny or sad tale to tell? Here is an opportunity to share your creative expression.


  1. Write a very short 250 word Postcard Story inspired by your experiences during the pandemic. Stories can be fiction or nonfiction. Maximum 250 words.
  2. Send your story as a Word or PDF attachment to [email protected]  Judging is blind so your name must not appear in the attached file. Please include the title of your story in the file. The title does not count toward your 250-word limit.
  3. Provide your name, mailing address, email, phone number, and title of your story in the body of the email.
  4. There is no entry fee, but entries are limited to one story per person.
  5. The contest is open to current Alberta residents only (WGA membership not required).
  6. Previously published works are not eligible.

Deadline to submit is June 30, 2020.


First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $250
Third Prize: $150
Honourable Mentions: $25

All winning entries will be posted on and included in a digital chapbook.

Terms and Conditions:

Winning entries: The Writers’ Guild of Alberta takes non-exclusive electronic rights to post the text at All other rights remain with the author.

All publication rights for non-winning entries are retained by the entrants.

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