The Writers’ Guild of Alberta, on behalf of the Province of Alberta, is administering the literary portion of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge Alberta writers who have demonstrated significant contribution to Alberta’s literary community. Up to 15 literary medals will be awarded.
We are seeking nominations from the community for this award.
Nominations are now closed
Criteria are:
- The nominee should be living as of February 6, 2022.
- The nominee should be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada, living in Alberta or having spent a significant portion of their writing life in Alberta.
- The nominee should be a prominent contributing voice in their literary community.
- The nominee’s activities should have made a significant positive contribution to the local literary landscape.
- We encourage the nominations of marginalized and Indigenous individuals. Nominators may choose to indicate if the nominee self-identifies as a member of a marginalized or Indigenous community.
Nominations are to consist of:
- Name and contact information of nominator.
- Full contact information of nominee (mailing address, phone number, email address).
- Letter of recommendation from one Alberta writer who is not the nominator.
- A résumé or bibliography of the nominee’s key literary accomplishments (maximum 2 pages).
- A summary, between 500 – 1000 words, outlining why the nominee should be considered for this award.
Please note the following additional requirements:
- The nominee is not to be advised that they are under consideration.
- Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- The award is for individuals; groups or couples will not be considered.
- This award is intended to represent literary contributions and innovation; it is not a requirement for the nominee to have a longstanding career.
- The applications will be considered by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Writers’ Guild of Alberta who will make recommendations to the Board. All decisions of the Board of Directors will be final.
- If sufficient suitable nominations are not received, the number of awards may be reduced at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the WGA.
The deadline for nominations to be received in the WGA Edmonton office is November 7, 2022.
Please contact the WGA at [email protected] for any questions regarding submitting nominations.