Call for Authors and Hosts for a new Online Reading Series!

We are thrilled to re-launch the WGA Online Reading Series for WGA members who have a late 2020 or 2021 book release and are looking for an opportunity to present their work. All you need to take part is an internet connection and a device that can stream your video and voice.

Each session will be a total of 45 minutes, consisting of a 15-minute reading and a 30-minute maximum author interview. Dates and times will be decided according to availability. Selected applicants will be compensated $100 each.

If you are interested, please send the following information to [email protected]:

  1. Please provide the title, publisher, and release date of your book. We are looking for 2021 releases, although late 2020 releases are eligible if you had a launch event cancelled.
  2. Have you had a book launch, reading, signing, or other promotional event cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Please let us know the dates and details of the cancelled events.
  3. Do you have experience with performing literary readings, either live or on video? If you have a video example, please send a link.
  4. Where can we read an excerpt of your book? Please provide a link or file.
  5. What is your schedule like between June and November? Are there dates you know of that you are not available?
  6. Would you prefer a live reading and Q&A (viewers may ask you questions during the broadcast), or a recorded event (your reading and interview are pre-recorded and then made available online)? 

We are also looking for members to host the events and conduct the interviews. If you are interested, please email [email protected] with your estimated availability and relevant experience.

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