*Accepting unpublished travel writing pieces by authors 30 years old and younger.
The Amber Bowerman Memorial Travel Writing Award was established in 2008 as a tribute to Amber Bowerman, a talented, successful Calgary writer whose life met a tragic end at the age of 30. Amber loved to travel. This award will recognize a writer, aged 30 or younger, with an extraordinary piece about a travel experience. The winning piece will inspire others to leave home and see the world, or allow the armchair traveler to enjoy a vicarious adventure. The winning author will receive a $700 prize. This award was established and is sponsored by Ann Campbell, an Edmonton writer and avid world traveler.
Submission Guidelines and Rules
- Entrants must be 30 years old or younger as of December 31, 2012.
- Entrants must have resided in Alberta for a minimum of 12 of the past 18 months as of December
31, 2012.
- The award is open to unpublished pieces only. Pieces that have appeared on a personal blog are
- Entries must be no longer than 3000 words.
- Pieces must be typed on plain white 8.5 x 11 inch paper using standard manuscript format (double-
spaced, page numbers indicated). The title or title abbreviation and word count of the piece should
appear on each page of the manuscript. Faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted.
- The award employs a blind judging process. To facilitate this process, the author’s name and
identifying information (acknowledgments, email address, reference to previously published works,
etc.) must not appear anywhere in the manuscript.
- Pieces entered in previous years may not be re-submitted to the same category, unless substantial
revisions have been made.
- Entries may be submitted by authors, or any interested parties.
- A cover sheet with the author’s name, address, telephone number and email address, title of piece,
number of pages, and word count, must be sent with the entry.
- Entries must include a completed Entry Form (www.writersguild.ab.ca) and four copies of the piece.
Manuscripts will not be returned.
- A $15 entry fee must accompany submissions. Please make cheques payable to the Writers Guild of Alberta.
- Ineligible submissions will not be returned.
- The Writers’ Guild of Alberta reserves the right not to present an award in any category if there are
not a significant number of entries received.
To download an application form or for more information, visit http://www.writersguild.ab.ca.