The Government of Canada recently passed the legislation marking September 30 as a day to recognize and commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
We have compiled the following list of resources and sites with suggested reading. We encourage you to check out these resources, and please let us know of other links or sites that can be added to this list! (Send to Ellen Kartz, WGA Communications and Partnerships Coordinator).
Links and Resources
Alberta Unbound: Stories for Change – Alberta Magazine Publishers Association’s online archive of member magazines’ articles showcasing Indigenous voices and experiences.
Book Woman Podcast Series – A podcast where three Métis aunties figure out how to publish, edit, and write Indigenous stories.
Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee (CAUAC) – CAUAC is a collaborative effort between The City of Calgary and the Indigenous community to address and resolve issues pertaining to urban Aboriginal residents. It is a initiative that sparked from the aboriginal population growth of the 1970’s in Calgary and during that time it became apparent to Aboriginal leadership and Calgary City Council that a cooperative effort should be made towards addressing the social conditions of the Aboriginal community.
Elder in Residence: Edmonton Public Library – The Edmonton Public Library’s Elder in Residence Program (EIR) provides access to an Indigenous Elder for EPL customers. The Elder in Residence hosts weekly classes and programs centred on Indigenous knowledge and work to ensure that ceremony is an active part of our library system. Through classes, events and ceremonies, we bring together people from all backgrounds to learn about Indigenous culture, protocol and processes.
Funding Indigenous Resurgence in Edmonton (FIRE) Program – FIRE (Funding Indigenous Resurgence in Edmonton), an initiative of Edmonton Heritage Council, is designed to reignite First Nations, Métis, and Inuit traditional practices and protocols in connection to our lived heritage. FIRE is a unique grant opportunity that assists all applicants in building their capacity to apply for other grants through the process of applying for and receiving FIRE funding.
Eschia Books Inc. – Eschia Books Inc. is a channel for First Nations, Métis and Inuit voices. Our books spark interest in Indigenous experience and worldview, and our authors aim to encourage understanding of Canada’s First Peoples through authentic and insightful writing.
IBBY Indigenous Picture Book Collection – IBBY Canada is pleased to present the 2021 edition of From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books. 25 of the best Indigenous picture books published in Canada between 2018–2020 were selected for this collection. Care was taken to ensure that the collection reflects the diversity of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit voices from sea to sea to sea, and that the titles are available and in print for anyone who wishes to access them.
Indian Residential School Survivors Society – The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS) is a provincial organization with a twenty-year history of providing services to Indian Residential School Survivors. The Indian Residential School Survivors Society began in 1994 as a working committee of the First Nations Summit. We were known as the Residential School Project, housed out of and as a part of the BC First Nations Summit. Our work was primarily to assist Survivors with the litigation process pertaining to Residential School abuses. In more recent years our work has expanded to include assisting the descendants of Survivors and implementing Community education measures (Indigenous & Non-Indigenous).
Indigenous Editors Association – The Indigenous Editors Association is a membership organization that was formed by Indigenous editors and publishing professionals in lands claimed by Canada as a mutual support network. We are here to carry out the vision of our early organizers and to create professional development and networking opportunities.
Indigenous Publishers, Distributors & News Media – UBC website listing Indigenous-owned publishers, and academic and small presses that publish the work of Indigenous authors.
Indigenous Reading List: Truth and Reconciliation (Calgary Public Library) – These titles are a guide for readers seeking more knowledge about reconciliation and Indigenous cultures. The works consider the broader context, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, stories and memoirs, and local viewpoints.
Indigenous Services: Calgary Public Library – Calgary Public Library welcomed its first Indigenous Services team member in 2017. This growing team focuses on Indigenous engagement, ensuring Library programs and services are designed around community needs. Programs and services include Indigenous Ambassadors at the Library, Meet virtually with Elders from different Nations, Indigenous languages books added to our permanent collection, and more.
Kemosa Scholarship for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Mothers Who Write – First established in 2017 by Dr. Nhung Tran-Davies in partnership with Tlicho Dene author Richard Van Camp, the Kemosa Scholarship offers an opportunity for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Mothers to obtain resources to help them complete the work on their writing – whether that be a novel, a collection of stories, poems, or whatever form their writing might take. (Please note, the 2022 Kemosa Scholarship will be opening for submissions on Oct. 8!)
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) – The NCTR is a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of the residential school experience will be honoured and kept safe for future generations. The NCTR was created as part of the mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). The TRC was charged to listen to Survivors, their families, communities and others affected by the residential school system and educate Canadians about their experiences. The resulting collection of statements, documents and other materials now forms the sacred heart of the NCTR.
Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre – Based in the region of Edmonton, Alberta, Ociciwan supports the work of Indigenous contemporary artists and designers and engages in contemporary critical dialogue. We value artistic collaboration and foster the awareness of Indigenous contemporary art practices.
Prairie Indigenous E-Book Collection – In 2017, the BPAA partnered with the Alberta government to make Alberta-published eBooks available to readers across the province. The Read Alberta eBooks collection is continually enriched as titles are added on a regular basis. and the BPAA and its member publishers are grateful to Alberta Municipal Affairs’ Public Library Services Branch for this much-needed investment in our industry.
RISE – Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton – RISE (Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton) is a group of citizens in the Edmonton region committed to reconciliation in actions and words. Founded in 2015 in response to the one year anniversary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s National Event in Edmonton, RISE is made up of people from all walks of life committed to moving reconciliation forward in our community. We are committed to raising awareness of the lasting impacts of residential school, creating safe spaces for conversations about reconciliation, and offering opportunities to learn more about and engage with Indigenous culture. Since our inception, RISE has engaged over 50,000 people in acts of reconciliation in our city.
TRC Website – This site contains information about the TRC report and its findings.
Truth and Reconciliation Week 2021 (September 27-October 1) – TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION WEEK is a 5-day national event that will continue the conversations from Every Child Matters. Important conversations including the truths of the Indigenous treaties, First Nation, Métis and Inuit land claims, and the residential schools system. This online event will provide historical workshops, exclusive video content, and activities for students — all supported by artistic and cultural performances by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists.
University of Alberta: Writing, Editing, and Publishing Indigenous Stories – Are you Indigenous and interested in writing, editing, and publishing? This guide was made for you! We want to do our part to help inspire Indigenous Peoples to get their stories out there. The content of this guide includes: Insight into the publication process; Indigenous-specific publishers; Self publishing; Programs for Indigenous authors; and more!
Windspeaker.com – Windspeaker.com is owned and operated by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta, an Indigenous communications society dedicated to serving the news and information needs of Indigenous people throughout Canada. Incorporated in 1983 under the Alberta Societies Act, the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society has steadfastly maintained its commitment to the quality of its products and its people. AMMSA has served as the model for Indigenous communications societies and organizations. It has provided training, support, and encouragement to other Indigenous groups, communities, and societies wishing to establish their own communications facilities.