WGA 2021 Call for Board Members

Deadline Extended: September 24, 2021

The 2021/22 board of the WGA will be elected at the Virtual AGM in October. There will be openings for the following positions: one opening for President, one opening for Treasurer, one opening for Secretary, four openings for Member at Large. Two interim members of the 2020/21 board have put their names forward for election and one member has put their name forward for re-election.

Nominations are welcome from members from across the province with a view to creating a Board with a diversity of backgrounds, experience, and perspectives, including diversity with respect to race, gender, geography, and areas of expertise. There shall be no more than three members of the board who reside in the same centre.

A member who has served two full consecutive terms shall not be eligible to serve again as a Director before the passing of two years except in the case of a Past President, who may hold office during the term of his/her successor.

Written nominations for the Board of Directors may be made in advance of the AGM, signed by the candidate and two members of the WGA who are in good standing.  Additionally, nominations and seconding motions may be put forth at the AGM by WGA members who are in good standing with the consent of the nominee. 

Advance nominations will be included in the AGM materials if they are received by Friday, September 17, 2021 to [email protected]. Please include a brief bio and an election statement (total maximum 200 words) and email from two members to indicate support for your nomination.

If you are interested in discussing the positions available, please contact Carol Parchewsky at [email protected].

For further information please see the Board Recruitment Brochure available HERE, and the Time and Financial Requirements of WGA Board Membership HERE.

Click HERE to see the list of board Candidates and Incumbents.

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