On January 8, 2018, ten Alberta writers will begin their participation in the WGA’s annual mentorship program. 2018 marks the seventh straight year for the program, which sees emerging writers paired with established Alberta authors to develop the emerging writer’s literary work, and also to provide support and encouragement. This program has seen many of its participants grow and succeed as published authors.

Ali Bryan, who entered the program as an apprentice in its inaugural year, 2012, has now seen her novel Roost published in 2013, and awarded the Georges Bugnet Award for Fiction the following year. Ali has described her working relationship with her mentor, Betty Jane Hegerat, as “life-changing,” and she notes that “her criticism, coupled with her wisdom and gentle humor was instrumental in transforming my manuscript from a first draft to an award-winning novel.”

“I think it’s enormously important to mentor and support emerging writers. Many of us, myself included, had neither the funds nor the means to go to university in order to learn the craft of writing, and it’s because of mentorship programs provided by the Writers’ Guild of Alberta that many of us have continued on with the often difficult path of writing. I’m happy to report that the writer I mentored several years back has not one but two books coming out this year. Bravo to our Alberta Writers’ Guild for its continued, excellent support of writers in our lively literary community.” – Lee Kvern, mentor, 2016

This year: 

 – Kevin Holowack will work with Margaret Macpherson 
 – Rachelle Pinnow will work with Ken Rivard 
 – Janet Chotai will work with Sue Farrell Holler 
 – Lorna Carley will work with Merna Summers 
 – Sara Zampa will work with Kate Boorman 

The mentorship program runs for four months. A celebration of this program, complete with the emerging writers reading from their work, will be held in early May.

Congratulations and all good wishes to all the participants!

Click to read mentor and apprentice bios


Thank you to our donors and funders!

We acknowledge the generous financial support of donors to this program:

  • Jane Stevens 
  • The John Patrick Gillese Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation 
  • The RBC Foundation Emerging Artists Project

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