2017 Mentorship Program Participants Announced

The WGA is pleased to announce the the names of the participants in the 2017 Mentorship Program!

Congratulations to the following writers, who were chosen by a WGA-appointed jury earlier this month:

  • Marco Melfi (Edmonton) will work with mentor Vivian Hansen (Calgary) on poetry.
  • Sherryl Melnyk (Calgary) will work with mentor Julie Sedivy (Calgary) on creative nonfiction and memoir.
  • Jackie Bell (Calgary) will work with mentor J. Jill Robinson (Banff) on fiction.

Applicants seeking to be mentored sent in writing samples in the fall of 2016. Based on these writing samples, the jury chose three participants and matched each of them with a published author who will give feedback to help edit, guide, and support their work. The program will run for four months, through April 2017.

We wish all the participants good luck and we look forward to hearing the apprentice writers read from their work at a public celebration event in May!

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